April 30

Image analysis: Kangaroo hunting

Things I can see:

  • A man holding a gun.
  • An Aboriginal next to the man.
  • They’re wearing different clothes.
  • It’s windy.
  • The ground looks dry behind them.
  • It’s very open. 
  • There are lots of tree roots coming out of the ground.
  • There’s half a pond of water.

What I think:

The guy with the gun is helping the aboriginal hunt down a kangaroo and the man is about to shoot the kangaroo. I think it is windy because the tree look like they’re swaying. The Aboriginal could also be hiding from the man because they look completely different.

What I wonder:

  • How does the man not notice the Aboriginal behind him?
  • Why is the man hunting when it looks windy?
  • Where did the man get those clothes from?
  • Is the Aboriginal meant to be where the man is?
March 27

My First Term in Year 5

Hi everyone. I’m Oscar and I’m new this year in YEAR 5!!!! I’ve come from Mont Albert PS. This term has been awesome! I’ve done some awesome and intense APS sports, met new friends and done some fun activities and have had a great experience. I feel really welcomed here at Carey and everyone is always so nice.

My school routine has changed a lot since I’ve been at Carey. I have to wake up a lot earlier in the  mornings. I have to wear two different uniforms and Play APS every week (APS is fun though!) and we have to do blogging. 

I’m new to blogging so please don’t be hard on me!

One of the really fun things I’ve done this term is APS sports. This term I have tried bike-Ed, swimming intensive, a triathlon and rock climbing. All of them were fun but challenging, such as the triathlon. House is awesome and I love being a buddy. I haven’t done a swimming carnival before, so I really enjoyed my first house swimming carnival. I loved cheering on my house Burnet, and participating in all the races. The whole sports experience at Carey has probably been my favourite part of this term.

My teacher in year five is Mrs Straford. She is a really nice and kind teacher. She always makes learning fun! I like how she makes everything clear when she is telling the class what to do and she gives examples so we have an idea of what to do. I’ve learnt a lot so far with Mrs Straford. 

I love the classroom more than my old school classroom because this classroom is way more spacious and tidy compared to my old school one. I like how there is Apple TV’s so we can put our iPads on the TV. Even the chairs are better! I’ll put it to you this way: this year’s classrooms are way better then my old school ones. 

How has your first term been?

March 27

Why Avatars are Important

Avatars are very important in lots of different ways. They help you keep your identity private, so people you don’t know are unable to find you and see what you look like. Avatars are a cartoon of your own self.

Are you wondering why avatars are so important? Well, an example is if you had a YouTube channel about yourself and your face was on your profile, everyone in the world could identify you. That would be a bad idea because hackers could easily hack your account and then you could be in all sorts of trouble. Good for the hackers. Bad for you.

Hackers are very good at finding other people’s private information so it’s a really good idea to have an avatar.

This is my avatar. This looks similar to me although again it’s me in cartoon form. The hair on my avatar is like mine although mine is a little shorter. I have the exact same jumper that my avatar is wearing and it is blue as well. My hair and eyebrows are the same colour, but no one in the world could look at the avatar and identify it as being me!

Back to the hackers. When a hacker is trying to hack your blog and your profile does have an avatar on it the hacker can’t find out your private information.

Good for you, bad for the hackers.

It’s always better to be safe then sorry, so I strongly recommend creating an avatar. If you need an avatar and you don’t know where to go? Type https://avatarmaker.com into safari and get creating!

March 17

My first term reflection at library

My first term at library has been really fun. I have read many books I don’t think I would have even picked up. There are so many books I haven’t seen and I’ve added them to my to read list.

My favourite genre is sport because I love playing it and I find it really interesting and it hooks me in a lot. I have a suggestion for sports and it is Specky Magee by Felice Arena. I recommend this book because in every book it tells a really good story. It also relates really well to Aussie rules. There also is a little adventure in some books.

The book chat book I’m currently reading right now is See You In The Cosmos. It’s about a kid who makes recordings on his golden iPod (an iPod painted gold) into space. His rocket (voyager 3) failed, so he decided to create voyager 4. He also wants to find out who his dad is because his parents divorced and never got an chance to se his actual dad. My thoughts are: I hope he finds his dad and I wonder if voyager 4 will work?